Buying or selling a good, asset, or stock from oneself. You trade with yourself in order to create the illusion of demand and market activity.
Wash Trading
Related Terms
An option is a financial contract that grants the buyer the right, but not the obligation, to buy or sell an underlying asset at a specified price.
An order block is an area where there has been a large concentration of limit orders waiting to be executed.
An order is an instruction to buy or sell on a trading venue.
Good Till Cancelled (GTC) is a trading order type that remains active in the market until the trader decides to cancel it.
Slippage occurs when an order is filled at a price that is different from the requested price. The difference between the expected fill price and the actual fill price is the “slippage”. Whenever you are filled at a price different from the price requested, it’s called slippage. Slippage isn’t necessarily something that’s negative because any […]